Energion Publications publishes for dialog and thus does not have a detailed doctrinal statement. In the Energion mission triangle, you can consider the outer lines to be the boundaries of orthodox (note lower case ‘o’) with the individual views pushing outward. These essentials can be stated as follows:

  • The nature of God is best represented by the doctrine of the Trinity: that there is only one God but within the one God exists three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, who died on the cross for our sins, and he rose again bodily in victory over death.
  • Man is a sinner in need of salvation, which is made possible by the death of Jesus, and can only be gained by grace through faith.
  • The Bible is the inspired word of God.

Two notes:

1) We are aware of the many issues of definition that might occur within that statement. We will prayerfully use our discretion, and ours alone, to determine whether a book manuscript pushes too far, or is perhaps too timid.

2) We judge manuscripts, not people. An author might hold views outside the boundaries and yet write a book that advances the discussion within them. We would not reject a manuscript because of issues regarding the author’s beliefs other than those expressed in the manuscript submitted to us.