Bob Makar Reviews Preserving Democracy
Bob Makar has posted a review of Preserving Democracy on his blog,
Note to reviewers – you can request review copies of books that have been released as well as advance copies.
Bob Makar has posted a review of Preserving Democracy on his blog,
Note to reviewers – you can request review copies of books that have been released as well as advance copies.
People may be wondering why Energion has published, within three months, two Topical Line Drives about the Trinity. One of those (A Holy Mystery: Taking Apart the Trinity) I wrote. The other (The Triune Nature of God by Bob Cornwall) I edited. Preview Preview They are very different books, come from completely different places and…
Publisher Henry Neufeld spent his Saturday at Reimagine Montclair in Pensacola, FL giving some of Energion Publication books to thirsty spirits. 89 books were chosen by those who also came for food, clothing, health screening services, community opportunities, as well as games for children and even lunch from the grill! We also gave a beautiful NIV…
We’re having a sale, but it’s a bit different. This is for our store, where we can sell almost any book in print. So we’re discounting David Alan Black’s books about Greek and New Testament interpretation from 10% to 30% (depending on the margin we’re allowed). For other books by David Alan Black, see…
This is the first of what we plan to be weekly news roundups. Today, Energion This Week is co-hosted by Li’l Mo, the Energion Spokescat. Books Referenced in the Video that Are Currently Available More Information on Bruce Epperly More Information on Ronald Higdon More Information on Terrell Carter
This week, Energion Publications is releasing Parent-Driven Discipleship by Michael Kennedy. Dr. Kennedy is a father of two children and a pastor. He wrote this book from a heart that is concerned and passionate about the young adults, youth & children of this world. He believes it is the parents who are the frontline teachers….
William Powell Tuck will be joined by Bob Cornwall, David Moffett-Moore, and Doug Dortch as they discuss his new book Overcoming Sermon Block. This webinar will last one hour and we will be accepting audience questions. Don’t forget our buy 2 get 1 free sale. This is the time to get your copies of Overcoming…