Grace Through the Desert on The Jesus Paradigm
Initial thoughts. [Link corrected]
Initial thoughts. [Link corrected]
Please see Where to Buy on The Jesus Paradigm web site for more information including special offers. Through you can still get autographed copies, and we are currently offering free shipping, though only through that web site. Here is the press release: July 21, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida The Jesus Paradigm Released,…
I am a prophet of process theospirituality: the affirmation that spirituality and theology emerge in dynamic interdependence. Bruce Epperly, Process Theology and Mysticism, p. 8 (pre-order) These three books by Dr. Bruce Epperly are scheduled to ship about December 5, 2023. Due to a combination of pre-order and Black Friday/Cyber Monday pricing, each book is…
Lionel Woods has written a review of the book Christian Archy. His review is here.
Author Joel Watts offers an insightful review of Dr Robert Cornwall’s book, Worshiping with Charles Darwin on his blogsite, Unsettled Christianity. This is a pastoral account, almost like an autobiography, of bringing forth God’s message out of the two books, Scripture and Nature. As one who has read Cornwall considerably, I am neither surprised nor let down at…