Pray for Dave Black and Team
For more information see the notice on The Jesus Paradigm web site.
For more information see the notice on The Jesus Paradigm web site.
Tuesday night, November 11 @ 7p CT, Elgin Hushbeck will host Energion’s Google+ Hangout. The topic will be Aftermath of Mid-Term Elections; What Does it Mean? The discussion panel will include Energion authors, Joel Watts and Henry Neufeld. Elgin Hushbeck is also an Energion Publications’ author and his recent Topical Line Drives series book, What…
James A. Lee has written a thorough review of God’s Desire for the Nations: The Missionary Theology of John Piper. I appreciate this thorough review. I’m in the mood for giving away some books, so this Friday, when I give away copies of The Jesus Paradigm, I’m going to also select one comment to this…
In writing for my wife’s devotional list and my Running Toward the Goal podcast (this podcast is no longer available and all links have been removed from this post 10/14/2018) this week, I have been focusing on the work of the Holy Spirit and the gifts. Since I’m also focusing on gifts here, I’d like to…
The Association of Adventist Forums will sponsor a zoom discussion of apocalyptic on Friday, December 10, at 10 am Pacific time including Energion author Herold Weiss, author of the book The End of the Scroll: Biblical Apocalyptic Trajectories, which is priced normally at $24.99, but is currently on sale at Energion Direct at $19.99. You…