8 eBook Titles for < $1 Each (#ebooks)
Did you know we offer eight ebook titles for less than $1 each? Just one penny less, at 99¢, but still less! Check them out!
Did you know we offer eight ebook titles for less than $1 each? Just one penny less, at 99¢, but still less! Check them out!
At a seminar I attended on marketing books, the leader asked us how many had issues with Amazon. Nearly every hand in the room went up. The leader continued by asking us how many of us had bought something from Amazon in the last day, week, and month. By the time she got to “week,”…
Yes, A New Look at Hospitality as a Key to Missions by Christopher J. Freet is now available on Kindle for only $2.99. And remember, tonight on our weekly Google+ Hangout, Chris Freet will be discussing hospitality and missions with Energion Publications’ owner, Henry Neufeld at 7 p.m. CT.
Eschatology: A Participatory Study Guide is now available for Kindle. It will be available soon for Nook, and also via the iBookstore. This study guide is an in depth look at Christian eschatology, including theology, terminology, and key issues. It is not an outline of end-times events. Rather, it provides the background needed to understand…
Crossing the Street by Bob LaRochelle is now available for Kindle. It will soon be available in iBooks, for the Nook, and on Google Play. Watch here for more information. The print edition is also on sale at Energion Direct. We’re advertising the book in the Spectrum Newsletter, and for the occasion will be offering…