8 eBook Titles for < $1 Each (#ebooks)
Did you know we offer eight ebook titles for less than $1 each? Just one penny less, at 99¢, but still less! Check them out!
Did you know we offer eight ebook titles for less than $1 each? Just one penny less, at 99¢, but still less! Check them out!
Energion Publications is proud to announce the availability of the book PERFECTLY SQUARE™, now in several electronic formats, all in exciting color. These electronic editions, released in April 2016, use full color to enhance the playful visuals that illustrate the delightful, uplifting story and timely, inspiring message. For full details, and a list of electronic…
Energion Publications announces a special “Enjoy A Book in the Sun” promotion of 30% off all our fiction and poetry books and FREE U.S. shipping! If you are spending time on the beach, on a lake, or on the front porch of cabin in the mountains this summer, take along a great story (or two…
One of our major drives right now at Energion Publications is to release as many of our books as possible for various e-readers. One important family is, of course, the Kindle. Amazon.com has just announced some new members of this family, thus, The All New Kindle Family. We currently have 25 titles available for Kindle,…
Tithing after the Cross is now available as an Aer.io ebook as well as through several retailers. For the next week, the hardcover edition of this book is on sale in our Aer.io online store for 28% off, at $16.51. The paperback remains $9.99 and the ebook $2.99. Preview and Links Preview and Links Embedded…
You can find it on Amazon.com. In addition, last night Michael Kennedy was our guest on the Tuesday Night Energion Hangout. Energion owner Henry Neufeld talked with him about youth ministry in the church today and the life-style change he’s calling for in the way we raise our children spiritually. The video is embedded below.