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Why Four Gospels Reviewed at A Living Sacrifice
There’s a nice, and exceptionally readable, review of Why Four Gospels? at A Living Sacrifice. I don’t usually comment on our blog reviewers, because bloggers must be free to review as they see fit, but in this case I make an exception. I’m not talking about the review being positive (which it is), but about…
Megabelt will be First Fiction Title for Energion Publications
Energion Publications is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Megabelt, a humorous and, at times, irreverent look at growing up in the church culture of the Bible belt. The book will be the first fiction title for Energion Publications, and will be released November 1, 2009. Megabelt was written by university student and first…
Faith in the Public Square In Stock and Shipping
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Do You Separate the Youth in Your Church?
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Press Release: Announcing THE JESUS PARADIGM
March 30, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida New Book, The Jesus Paradigm Challenges Comfortable Christianity Dr. David Alan Black, author of more than 20 books, has contracted with Energion Publications to publish his latest, The Jesus Paradigm, which challenges modern Christians to become completely sold-out followers of Jesus, to make ministry and mission the…
Week 4: This week there are journeys to be taken! Pack your Bible and open your ears to hear and your heart to receive the teachings from God’s Word. While there is no shortcut to Bible study, it does not have to be boring or repetitive. Here are some curriculum options that are interesting, relevant,…