Devotional Titles Still on Sale
All our devotional titles are still on sale through the end of the year. Use code Devotions2019 on checkout at our store.
All our devotional titles are still on sale through the end of the year. Use code Devotions2019 on checkout at our store.
You can find it on In addition, last night Michael Kennedy was our guest on the Tuesday Night Energion Hangout. Energion owner Henry Neufeld talked with him about youth ministry in the church today and the life-style change he’s calling for in the way we raise our children spiritually. The video is embedded below.
Energion Publications is pleased to announce new author Paul A. Himes with his exciting book Where is Your Allegiance? Lay persons in the church might be forgiven for imagining that the book of Revelation cannot be understood. There are many different interpretive schemes proposed, and hundreds of variations within those schemes. But the reader who…
From Messy Incarnation by Bruce Epperly: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the…
During Lent we’re offering a series of topics during our Tuesday night hangouts that are designed to help us think more about the season (including Easter, which is where it leads). We began with Lent: Season of Sorrow, in which I talked with author William Powell Tuck, who has written quite a bit about the…