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Introducing Paul Himes: Where Is Your Allegiance?
Energion Publications is pleased to announce new author Paul A. Himes with his exciting book Where is Your Allegiance? Lay persons in the church might be forgiven for imagining that the book of Revelation cannot be understood. There are many different interpretive schemes proposed, and hundreds of variations within those schemes. But the reader who…

Ebook Editions of Grief: Coping with Holidays
Because we produced this book as a service, we’re providing the ebook editions at a minimal price — just $0.99 per copy in any ebook format. So far, it is available for iBooks/iTunes, Kindle, and Lybrary.com. The print edition is available from us directly from us, but may not yet be in stock at your favorite online…

Introducing Paul Himes: Where Is Your Allegiance?
Energion Publications is pleased to announce new author Paul A. Himes with his exciting book Where is Your Allegiance? Lay persons in the church might be forgiven for imagining that the book of Revelation cannot be understood. There are many different interpretive schemes proposed, and hundreds of variations within those schemes. But the reader who…

Ebook Editions of Grief: Coping with Holidays
Because we produced this book as a service, we’re providing the ebook editions at a minimal price — just $0.99 per copy in any ebook format. So far, it is available for iBooks/iTunes, Kindle, and Lybrary.com. The print edition is available from us directly from us, but may not yet be in stock at your favorite online…

Introducing Paul Himes: Where Is Your Allegiance?
Energion Publications is pleased to announce new author Paul A. Himes with his exciting book Where is Your Allegiance? Lay persons in the church might be forgiven for imagining that the book of Revelation cannot be understood. There are many different interpretive schemes proposed, and hundreds of variations within those schemes. But the reader who…