Book Focus: The Value of Each Person
Similar to Thurman, Whitehead asserted that value and experience are coextensive with reality and that each creature has value apart from their use to others. Disregard and diminishment of another’s value goes against the grain of metaphysics and morality in an experiential universe.
Bruce Epperly, The God of the Growing Edge, 21 (emphasis added)
Discover the profound value inherent in every person with The God of the Growing Edge.
This powerful book intertwines the wisdom of Alfred North Whitehead and Howard Thurman, two towering figures who championed the dignity of all. Explore Whitehead’s vision of a universe where every creature possesses intrinsic worth. Delve into Thurman’s lived experience and spiritual insight, affirming that each individual reflects the image of God. Understand how their complementary perspectives offer a renewed understanding of our interconnectedness and the unshakeable value of every human life, regardless of background.
Perfect for contemplative activists and anyone seeking a deeper appreciation for human worth in our turbulent times.