Release Interview with Dr. Terrell Carter
Book: I Have to Live with Them?

Fourth Week in Advent – Day 2 – Choose Joy
You know, happiness is so fickle. It comes and goes depending on the circumstances, but joy is lasting. It’s an intentional choice, regardless of your circumstances. Sorrow and suffering will pass but joy can remain forever. Our joy is found in the Lord…who He is, what He’s done, and the promise of what He’ll continue…

New Release: Messy Incarnation
We are pleased to announce the September 7, 2022 release of Messy Incarnation: Meditations on Christ in Process by Dr. Bruce Epperly. Dr. Epperly is a prolific, challenging, and very readable author who is known for writing clear, readable books on complex topics. Messy Incarnation takes the doctrine of the incarnation from theology into action…
Now Shippping! – Victim No More!
We have begun shipping Victim No More!. It is available via Energion Direct, and will be showing up at more and more online retailers over the next couple of days. If you are considering using this book as a resource in your Christian, education program, you can request a free review copy by e-mailing pubs@energion.com…
Maintain the Motor
Greg May presents an interesting analogy for keeping up our spiritual life today in his post Maintain the Motor.
Learning How to Die
54But when they heard these things they became infuriated and ground their teeth against him. 55But being full of the Holy Spirit, he lifted up his eyes to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at God’s right hand. 56And he said, “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of…