Racism: Simple Things You Can Do in Your Church
This is a conversation between Energion authors Dr. Terrell Carter and Dr. Lonnie Davis Wesley, III.
This is a conversation between Energion authors Dr. Terrell Carter and Dr. Lonnie Davis Wesley, III.
Energion author Allan R. Bevere interviews Scot McKnight on his new book, A Church Called Tov. Books by Scot McKnight in Our Retail Store A 20% discount is applied wherever possible. Some Books by Allan R. Bevere
By Shauna Hyde, PhD In my years of ministry as pastor and counselor, I have worked with people who have been abused, victimized, and traumatized in unspeakable ways. It is heart-breaking and I often find it difficult to understand how one human being can justify treating another human being badly in order to meet their…
Information: DitchtheBuilding.com Energion Direct
I would offer the following challenge to the reader (and to myself ): one cannot begin to grapple with the eschatology of Revelation until one has submitted to the Christology of Revelation.
Energion Publications is pleased to announce new author Paul A. Himes with his exciting book Where is Your Allegiance? Lay persons in the church might be forgiven for imagining that the book of Revelation cannot be understood. There are many different interpretive schemes proposed, and hundreds of variations within those schemes. But the reader who…
Eric Carpenter reviewed Dave Black’s latest, Seven Marks of a New Testament Church. The reality in the USA these days is that churches are all over the place in how they function. There’s what amounts to an idea that “anything goes.” This idea has led to the church in America being in a heap of…