Why I Hate the KJV – Henry Neufeld
Henry Neufeld, author of What’s in a Version?, has a video uploaded to YouTube titled Why I Hate the KJV.
Henry Neufeld, author of What’s in a Version?, has a video uploaded to YouTube titled Why I Hate the KJV.
For those who don’t get stirred up about some of the other major issues, surely tithing will get the juices flowing. Thus we announce Tithing after the Cross, the seventh volume in the Areopagus Critical Christian Issues series. It’s at the printer. You can still pre-order it directly from us at a 30% discount until…
One thing that I like about our catalog here at Energion is its diversity. We have authors who would be found working as professors in seminaries and in liberal arts colleges, as well as stay-at-home parents and retired ministers. We have well known authors and first time authors. Assenting to the Eternal: Kingdom Exchanges Revealed…
For good Friday we present a few post from blogs by our authors and/or staff: From Jody’s Devotionals (Jody Neufeld, co-owner): Prayer and Praise, Even on Good Friday From Allan R. Bevere: Good Friday: A Chance Encounter in a Divinely Orchestrated Drama From the Participatory Bible Study Blog: St. John Chrysostom on Being Strangers Note…
The official release date for When the Casseroles Are Gone is not until April 10, 2023, but we are already setting up pre-orders to arrive by the 10th. We will be maintaining the $9.99 ($13.99 suggested retail) pre-order price until the tenth, so you still have a few days to order copies at that pre-order…
The Drowsy Poet Coffee Cafe in Pensacola, FL was the venue for a celebration of the release of another novel by author Kimberly Gordon. Family, friends, and even her pastor came by to share laughter and pick up their autograph copy of Mrs. Gordon’s new book, Please Love Me. This is the third novel that she…