Spectrum Magazine Zoom Discussion on Apocalyptic
The Association of Adventist Forums will sponsor a zoom discussion of apocalyptic on Friday, December 10, at 10 am Pacific time including Energion author Herold Weiss, author of the book The End of the Scroll: Biblical Apocalyptic Trajectories, which is priced normally at $24.99, but is currently on sale at Energion Direct at $19.99. You…

Elgin Hushbeck and Alden Thompson on Inerrancy and Understanding
Two scholars who believe in a high view of scriptures and the miraculous discuss how the term “inerrancy” can impact how we study the Bible.

NEW to the Topical Line Drive Series! Thomas Hudgins’ Textual Criticism Book
Dr. Thomas W. Hudgins is Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Capital Seminary and Graduate School in Washington, D.C. He is the author of Luke 6:40 and the Theme of Likeness Education in the New Testament and translator of Aprenda a leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento and The Hidden Life of Jesus. Have…
Book: When People Speak for God
The release date has been set for Henry Neufeld’s new book, When People Speak for God. We are not accepting prepublication orders. We will offer the prepublication price of $14.00 until either the specified release date (6/22/2007) or the first copy ships, whichever is later. In this book Henry Neufeld combines a discussion of individuals…
For Holy Week: Understanding the Search for the Historical Jesus
During the time approaching Easter, there will inevitably be a number of articles on the search for the historical Jesus of varying quality. Energion Publications has a pamphlet that is very useful at this time, titled Understanding the Search for the Historical Jesus. This pamphlet is not designed to argue a particular point of view,…