New Book: Soup Kitchen for the Soul by Renee Crosby

Energion Publications is pleased to announce the contract signing for Soup Kitchen for the Soul, a practical guide to getting out of the church and living the Christian life in a community changing way. Author Renee Crosby and Energion Publications owner, Henry Neufeld, signed the contract for publication on January 22, 2009.
Soup Kitchen for the Soul combines testimony with a challenging scriptural foundation and follows it up with specific guidance on how you can get out of your church and make a difference in your community.
Each chapter builds on a Bible story and the author’s personal experience, and ends with thought questions, then action questions. References include specific ways in which you can take action on what you have been studying in the book.
This book is suitable for personal or small group study, or could be used effectively by an entire church to transform their ministry.
In the introduction Crosby says:
“Upon entering Seminary, I was required to serve in the community and begrudgingly accepted my assignment, choosing to serve in a soup kitchen. While serving in the soup kitchen, God revealed himself to me in a profound and miraculous way. It was in restudying the scriptures with this new heart knowledge of God that allowed me to see a message of a mission for His people that we lack a connection with today. I began asking, ‘What if … What if I’m not the only one who doesn’t understand the whole mission God has planned for us? What exactly are we supposed to be doing? Where in the Bible can we find directives on our missions for God? What if I wrote a book about radically new old ways of doing the gospel?’”
“Testimony, scripture, practical guidance, and a challenge to action, all packaged with enthusiasm and joy — how could I resist publishing a book that is so centered on the Energion Publications mission, ‘to educate Christian laity and clergy, to energize the whole church to commitment and action, and to empower all members of the body of Christ to be effective witnesses for Jesus.’” – Henry Neufeld, Energion Publications owner.
Advance copies will be available for reviewers about April 20, 2010 and release is schedule for June 1, 2010.
About the Author:
RENEE CROSBY is a Christian Bible teacher. She enjoys teaching the Word of God in any way, in any place, at any time she can. She is currently enrolled at Asbury Theological Seminary working towards her Master’s degree in Theology to become a Deacon in the Methodist church.
Renee is the founder and President of the non-profit organization Christian Pep Rally, Inc. that focuses on reviving Christian spirit one community at a time by raising funds and raising spirits around the country with regional non-denominational conference events. She volunteers her time in her local church, with the local homeless coalition and with the Ft. Walton Beach Waterfront Rescue Mission.
Renee is willing to provide a Soup Kitchen For The Soul one time Bible study launch speaking engagement, or to facilitate the study series for any local group within the Panhandle of Florida. In general, on a national level, she is available for key note speaking engagements, seminars or conferences.
She is married with one son and one daughter. Soup Kitchen for the Soul is her first book.
We have a generous program of review and advance reader copies of any of our books for interested individuals with established publications or blogs. We reserve final judgment on who is eligible to receive free books.
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