Energion Publications Facebook Page
You can view it here. Check it out and become a fan. This will probably replace our Facebook group, which has been inactive, as time goes on.
We have released our new proposal and submission standards, which we believe are much clearer. You can read them below, or they are available in PDF format. Energion Publications Submission Guidelines Revised: June 3, 2008 Mission Statement Summary Form Our mission is to use web and print publishing to educate Christian laity and clergy, to…
Depending on the timing of some wiring changes, we may be without internet here over the weekend. I can’t be sure, but once it happens it will be too late to notify you, so I’m doing it now! We will continue to have phones and some e-mail via smartphones. Any shipping will be waiting until…
OK, why would a business owner tell you not to buy directly from his company? That sounds pretty weird. Is there something wrong? Well, no, there isn’t anything wrong with the company, though there is something wrong with buying directly, for most people. If you are an individual, buying just a few books, then it…
We’re focusing on discussion this year, and there are lots of opportunities for you to get involved each week. Energion Discussion Network Since Saturday and Sunday are our slow days on the discussion network, let me start with those posts: Negative Experiences Can Produce Positive Results (Iris Subel Davis) and Jesus Offers Freedom from a…
Today’s Global Christian Perspectives will feature hosts Chris Eyre and Elgin Hushbeck, Jr., joined by authors Chris Freet (A New Look at Hospitality as a Key to Missions) and Joe Miller (two books forthcoming). They will be discussing the following topics: First half hour: a) Anniversary of Hiroshima. Thursday was the 70th anniversary of…