Bookstore in Your Future
An interesting discussion here.
A warm, clear Florida night was a perfect backdrop for Read, Write & Publish! at Northstar Church in Panama City, FL. The editors and published authors from Energion offered their experience and encouragement to potential authors who came to learn and offer their manuscripts. Lee Baker, Kimberly Gordon, Daniel Martin and Heath Taws read excerpts…
Early in the fall Energion Publications released a new book, Philosophy for Believers, designed to introduce Christian believers to the kinds of questions philosophers raise and the logic and ideas involved in answering those questions. This book provides an introduction to the philosophy of religion that can be used by a variety of groups in…
Blogger review copies are free books that you get in exchange for providing an honest review. There are only two requirements: 1) You do review the book and 2) You include a note that you received a free copy from us. You can request a copy by e-mailing Please include a link to your…