The Sacred Journey Now in Stock
The Sacred Journey is now in stock on and B&N. You can find purchase links on the catalog page. You can also order it from Energion Direct with free shipping within the United States.
The Sacred Journey is now in stock on and B&N. You can find purchase links on the catalog page. You can also order it from Energion Direct with free shipping within the United States.
I notice that people have begun receiving their copies of The Jesus Paradigm by Dr. Davd Alan Black. I will be providing links to the various reviews as they appear. Hopefully this will facilitate discussion. I’ll backtrack any further posts I make to this one in order to make it easier to find discussions. I’ll…
We’re in the middle of a move, both physically (though only about 100 feet on the same property), and to a new catalog web site, so it may be a few days before I can get forthcoming books into the catalog. Nonetheless, there are forthcoming books to talk about in the Topical Line Drives series….
Author David Croteau, Tithing After the Cross. shares his view recently on Today’s Christian Woman, How Much Should I Tithe? Dr Croteau is joined with Ruth Soukup and Dave Ramsey. And on January 17 @ 8a.m., Dr Croteau will be on the Moody Radio’s Up for Debate program, Are Christians Obligated to Tithe?, with Dr Ken Hemphill and Julie Roys. Just…
Wisdom is said to be the ability to learn from the mistakes/lives of others. The idea, of course, is to somehow avoid the pitfalls that overtake others. Yet, even armed with all the data, we too often succumb when we know better. Such is the case of our blogger today. Harvey Brown takes us on…
Excitement and prayers of praise are in the halls of Energion Publications! We have already begun to work with our wonderful authors, some of them new and some very familiar to the Energion audience, on their offerings for 2015. 18 books are on the list so far. Each book will be put on Pre-Order prior…