Consider Christianity Week Sale
Commemorating Consider Christianity Week, Energion Publications is offering all four books in the Consider Christianity series for one low price of $29.99.
You can find the details and order through Energion Direct.
Commemorating Consider Christianity Week, Energion Publications is offering all four books in the Consider Christianity series for one low price of $29.99.
You can find the details and order through Energion Direct.
WANTING TO START A STUDY/PRAYER GROUP? LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW FOR YOUR STUDY/PRAYER GROUP? 52 WEEKS OF ORDINARY PEOPLE/EXTRAORDINARY GOD by Jody Neufeld Introduction excerpt from the book: As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 (NIV) All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart. Proverbs…
Who’s Afraid of the Old Testament God? in Slovenian One of our bestselling books, and the book with which we launched Energion Publications 20 years ago has been translated into Slovenian and published there by Založba Logos. This translation was produced with the permission and support of the author and of Energion Publications. We’re delighted…
From Preserving Democracy by Elgin Hushbeck, Jr., page 42: But again this is impossible, as a 100 percent effective tax rate is impossible.1 The point here is not to show that we will reach a 100 percent effective tax rate in any particular year. Any number of assumptions could have a very large effect on…
At 1 pm central time on August 29, 2020 on Facebook Live, Energion author Rev. Steve Kindle will interview Henry Neufeld, owner of Energion and author of the book God the Creator: Toward a More Robust Doctrine of Creation. This little book in our Topical Line Drives series was released with limited fanfare in June,…
Energion Publications owner, Henry Neufeld, is in Racine, WI this week at the 2014 Academy of Parish Clergy Annual Conference. Several of Energion’s authors are members of this group, including the current president, Dr. David Moffett-Moore. Dr. Robert D. Cornwall, the editor of the APC newsletter, Sharing the Practice, is also the author of one…
WANTING TO START A STUDY/PRAYER GROUP? LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW FOR YOUR STUDY/PRAYER GROUP? 52 WEEKS OF ORDINARY PEOPLE/EXTRAORDINARY GOD by Jody Neufeld Introduction excerpt from the book: As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 (NIV) All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart. Proverbs…
Who’s Afraid of the Old Testament God? in Slovenian One of our bestselling books, and the book with which we launched Energion Publications 20 years ago has been translated into Slovenian and published there by Založba Logos. This translation was produced with the permission and support of the author and of Energion Publications. We’re delighted…
From Preserving Democracy by Elgin Hushbeck, Jr., page 42: But again this is impossible, as a 100 percent effective tax rate is impossible.1 The point here is not to show that we will reach a 100 percent effective tax rate in any particular year. Any number of assumptions could have a very large effect on…
At 1 pm central time on August 29, 2020 on Facebook Live, Energion author Rev. Steve Kindle will interview Henry Neufeld, owner of Energion and author of the book God the Creator: Toward a More Robust Doctrine of Creation. This little book in our Topical Line Drives series was released with limited fanfare in June,…
Energion Publications owner, Henry Neufeld, is in Racine, WI this week at the 2014 Academy of Parish Clergy Annual Conference. Several of Energion’s authors are members of this group, including the current president, Dr. David Moffett-Moore. Dr. Robert D. Cornwall, the editor of the APC newsletter, Sharing the Practice, is also the author of one…
WANTING TO START A STUDY/PRAYER GROUP? LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW FOR YOUR STUDY/PRAYER GROUP? 52 WEEKS OF ORDINARY PEOPLE/EXTRAORDINARY GOD by Jody Neufeld Introduction excerpt from the book: As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 (NIV) All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart. Proverbs…
Who’s Afraid of the Old Testament God? in Slovenian One of our bestselling books, and the book with which we launched Energion Publications 20 years ago has been translated into Slovenian and published there by Založba Logos. This translation was produced with the permission and support of the author and of Energion Publications. We’re delighted…