Editor Dave Black Commends Except for Fornication
David Alan Black, co-editor of the Areopagus Series, commends the forthcoming Areopagus volume Except for Fornication. His comments are here.
David Alan Black, co-editor of the Areopagus Series, commends the forthcoming Areopagus volume Except for Fornication. His comments are here.
A warm, clear Florida night was a perfect backdrop for Read, Write & Publish! at Northstar Church in Panama City, FL. The editors and published authors from Energion offered their experience and encouragement to potential authors who came to learn and offer their manuscripts. Lee Baker, Kimberly Gordon, Daniel Martin and Heath Taws read excerpts…
Nancy Petrey, author of recent Energion title Jewish Roots Journey: Memoirs of a Mizpah, will be involved in several promotional events for her book in the next couple of days. These are: WAFR (American Family Radio) interview in Tupelo, MS – Wednesday, July 18 at 10:15 till 11:00 a.m. on Today’s Issues with Tim Wildmon…
The following extract is taken from Not Ashamed of the Gospel: Confessions of a Liberal Charismatic by Henry Neufeld. I often tell classes on prayer that prayer is more than 90% about getting you onto God’s program, and less than 10% about petitions. You commune with God, and God puts you on the right track….
This is a reminder of upcoming events: Our blogging/essay contest. Discussion of this has been light so far, which surprises me, since we’re offering a $25 B&N gift card as part of first prize, and who wouldn’t want one of those? In addition, it’s a contest for doing what many of you do anyhow-blogging! The…
I remember my faults this day! We sent this out to local media, but forgot to include it on our blog. June 15, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida Renee Crosby to Appear at Book Signing and Release Party Renee Crosby will be hosting a release party and book signing for her book Soup Kitchen…
A number of people are using Bob Cornwall’s new book Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer (in the Areopagus series) for Lenten readings. Jim Brehler, Senior Pastor, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Jefferson, Ohio has prepared a Lenten Study Guide (though I suspect it could be used at other times) and…