Review of “In the Original Text It Says”
Jacob Cerone provides a thorough summary and review.
Jacob Cerone provides a thorough summary and review.
We have a number of new books coming up in October and November. Links to retailers are provided on each book’s catalog page. Here’s a summary: Why Four Gospels? (Second Edition) will be released October 15, 2010. It is already available for pre-order from Energion Direct, and Barnes & Noble. You’ll find the links…
We’re having a sale, but it’s a bit different. This is for our store, where we can sell almost any book in print. So we’re discounting David Alan Black’s books about Greek and New Testament interpretation from 10% to 30% (depending on the margin we’re allowed). For other books by David Alan Black, see…
One of the great privileges Jody and I have as Christian publishers is working with authors with a passion for communicating the message of the kingdom of God. Their education varies, their perspective varies, but their commitment and their willingness to go the extra mile to make God’s message not just speak, but also sing…
The Putnam Town Crier has an interview with Energion author Bob LaRochelle (Crossing the Street, forthcoming). That book the story says he’s writing? Well, he has written it and I have the manuscript! Remember to e-mail if you’d like to be notified when this book is released.