Bob LaRochelle at Day1
Energion author Dr. Robert LaRochelle shares thoughts from his new book Crossing the Street on Day1.
Energion author Dr. Robert LaRochelle shares thoughts from his new book Crossing the Street on Day1.
From Preserving Democracy, by Elgin Hushbeck: Now in the abstract, there is nothing wrong with this. Equality is a good thing and in a perfect world, we should and would have equality. But once again we do not live in a perfect world and in the real world equality comes at a cost, and the…
The release date has been set for Henry Neufeld’s new book, When People Speak for God. We are not accepting prepublication orders. We will offer the prepublication price of $14.00 until either the specified release date (6/22/2007) or the first copy ships, whichever is later. In this book Henry Neufeld combines a discussion of individuals…
‘Tis God who gives the skill, But not without [human] hands: [God] could not make Antonio Stradivari’s violins Without Antonio. -George Eliot (woman poet/writer) It is the strange paradox that our work is something we do; yet it is only a manifestation of God’s work in us, expressed in the Latin koan: orare est laborare…
Most of us have read stories of how God places a call into someone’s heart and their life is forever changed. Did you applaud their answer to God’s call and maybe even gave a hardy “Amen!”? It is time to give a hand of applause and support to Energion author, Chris Surber and his family,…
There is now an extract available from Henry Neufeld’s study guide, Revelation: A Participatory Study Guide. The extract is taken from the first, introductory lesson and will give an idea of the approach to the book of Revelation used in this study guide. The extract itself is available here.