Did Someone Call One of Our Writers a Heretic?
Well, not exactly.
Well, not exactly.
Energion Publications will host a blogging/essay contest. Entries are open immediately and will close November 2, 2009 when Dr. David Alan Black‘s new book Christian Archy is released. Judging will take place during the first week of November, and winners will be announced by November 16. To enter, simply write an essay in answer to…
From Grief: Finding the Candle of Light, p. 2: Grief is a journey. While this is no surprise to anyone seeking answers by picking up this book, I pray that readers may discover what I am discovering: I go on because I have Hope in a tangible, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This book is…
We have a number of new books coming up in October and November. Links to retailers are provided on each book’s catalog page. Here’s a summary: Why Four Gospels? (Second Edition) will be released October 15, 2010. It is already available for pre-order from Energion Direct, Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. You’ll find the links…