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Consider Christianity Week Events

This week is Consider Christianity Week! Conceived by Elgin Hushbeck, apologist and author (Evidence for the Bible, Christianity and Secularism, Preserving Democracy, What is Wrong with Social Justice?)  it is the week prior to Palm Sunday when we rejoice in who and what we are as Christians. Join us every night, March 23 – 28, @ 7 pm CDT. Bring your…

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Google+ Hangout – Marriage and Ministry

Tune in this Tuesday, February 17th, at 7 p.m. Central Time, to Energion’s Weekly Google+ Hangout when Henry and Jody Neufeld will be joined by Dr Harvey and Marilyn Brown to discuss “Marriage and Ministry.”  How do couples find the healthy and Godly balance between the needs of the family and the demands of ministry?  Tune…

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Dr David Croteau: Blogs & Moody Radio Show

Author David Croteau, Tithing After the Cross. shares his view recently on Today’s Christian Woman, How Much Should I Tithe? Dr Croteau is joined with Ruth Soukup and Dave Ramsey.  And on January 17 @ 8a.m., Dr Croteau will be on the Moody Radio’s Up for Debate program, Are Christians Obligated to Tithe?, with Dr Ken Hemphill and Julie Roys. Just…

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Energion Publications’ January – February, 2015 Google+ Hangouts

We are proud that our Weekly Google+ Hangouts have become a popular spot for people to actively visit on Tuesday nights! 2015 begins with an interesting and diverse schedule of topics and panel participants. Please make a note on your schedule to join us every Tuesday evening @ 7p.m. Central Time. Here is the current…

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Report from Reimagine: Century, FL, September 13, 2014

It was a hot and sunny day here on the Gulf Coast. Energion Publications has been proud to join Reimagine Worldwide in another event to help a neighborhood in a definitive, practical way. This September event occurred in the community of Century, just north of Pensacola, FL. 15,000 pounds of food was distributed. Health screenings,…

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Reimagine Century, FL Saturday September 13

Energion Publications is honored to be a part of the Reimagine Worldwide ministry, which brings food, clothing, health screening, prayer and job opportunities to various communities in the Florida Panhandle and in Lima, Peru. Tomorrow, publisher Henry Neufeld, will again bring donated books to feed God’s children with His Word. Besides free New Testaments (NLT translation), Henry…

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Consider Christianity Week

April 6 – 12, 2014 Elgin L. Hushbeck Jr.: Energion author, engineer, small business owner, educator, lecturer, and family man is the sponsor for the 21st annual Consider Christianity Week (CC Week) Energion Publications has published five of Mr Hushbeck’s books and joins with him this year to produce five Google Hangout events during Consider…


Megabelt In Stock at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble

Barnes & Noble Amazon.com Energion Direct MegabeltNow offering free worldwide shipping! Megabelt is now in stock at both Amazon.com and B&N.  You can use the links above to order.  Today is the official release day.  If you are anywhere near Panama City, FL, you won’t want to miss the release party complete with live music,…