D. Kevin Brown Parenting Weekend
Energion author D. Kevin Brown, author of Rite of Passage for the Home and Church, is presenting a seminar on parenting this coming weekend, April 12-14, at at the Raleigh Chinese Christian Church in Cary, NC.
Energion author D. Kevin Brown, author of Rite of Passage for the Home and Church, is presenting a seminar on parenting this coming weekend, April 12-14, at at the Raleigh Chinese Christian Church in Cary, NC.
June 7-10 this year we tried something new–displaying books at the Methodist Annual conference for Alabama and Northwest Florida. The choice of place was natural due to geography. The choice of denomination was not done because we publish only Methodist stuff, but rather because we do have books in our catalog by four different pastors…
Tonight @ 7p.m. CDT Henry Neufeld with guest and Christian apologist, Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. “You should always be ready to give your testimony — your witness to Jesus Christ.” “But what should I say? I don’t want to offend people!” Elgin Hushbeck has written books and shared his face hundreds of times. Tonight, he will…
Concerning Dr. Herold Weiss’s forthcoming book Meditations on the Letters of Paul Dr. Bruce Epperly writes: Dr. Weiss’s book truly captures the spirit of the Apostle Paul. Paul comes alive in this text, which addresses the whole person and not just the intellect. Dr. Weiss invites the reader to experience Paul’s vision and understand the…
I think many authors will be interested in reading this study from the Ad Hoc Committee on Fair Use and Academic Freedom, International Communication Association. Publishers obviously must be careful, because fair use is not well defined in law, but it is good to realize that there is such a principle in U. S. copyright…
This has been a wonderful, exciting year at Energion Publications! The diversity of authors and books has carried us to a new level of observation as Jesus’ modern day disciples explored God’s Word and shared it to “teach, rebuke, correct and train” (2 Timothy 3:16). And here are the “final four” in 2014: Finding God…
November 5, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida Energion Author Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. Chosen as Board Chairperson of World Prayr, Inc. Elgin Hushbeck, Jr., author of eight Energion titles and sponsor of Consider Christianity Week, has been chosen as the new chairperson of the World Prayr, Inc. board of directors. Elgin will work with…