Audio for David Croteau Interview on the Janet Mefferd Show
It’s available here. 38 minutes.
It’s available here. 38 minutes.
Tonight, November 23, 2018 at 7 pm eastern time, 6 pm central time, Energion owner Henry Neufeld will be interviewing Dr. Allan Bevere about upcoming events in the United Methodist Church. This is the interview that was announced last week and was delayed due to technical difficulties. Join us or comment and ask your questions…
Tithing after the Cross is now available as an ebook as well as through several retailers. For the next week, the hardcover edition of this book is on sale in our online store for 28% off, at $16.51. The paperback remains $9.99 and the ebook $2.99. Preview and Links Preview and Links Embedded…
Allan Bevere was interviewed recently for the WesleyCast and you can listen to the interview here. Allan’s interview starts at about 17:00, but as he points out, the discussion before that is also interesting. We appreciate Allan mentioning Energion Publications. But more importantly, his discussion of current issues in the United Methodist Church and how…
Besides the Pink30 coupon, which you can apply at checkout for 30% off any books in our ministry or missions categories, we are offering the following sales: Tithing after the Cross, 30% off through tomorrow, 10/10/2013. Healing Marks, 30% off through Friday, 10/11/2013 We’ve also added a new package, the Healing and Transformation…