Coming to Faith: Thomas W. Hudgins
Thomas chose to share his testimony on his own blog. Read One Thing that Really Changed My Life.
Our featured image today is the cover for Thomas’s most recent book, Those Footnotes in Your New Testament.
Thomas chose to share his testimony on his own blog. Read One Thing that Really Changed My Life.
Our featured image today is the cover for Thomas’s most recent book, Those Footnotes in Your New Testament.
Vicar of Tent Town and In Changing Times made their debut last week at the 2015 Academy of Parish Clergy Conference in Maryland. In Changing Times: A Guide for Reflection and Conversation’s author Ronald Higdon was in attendance at the APC conference and shared with the leadership in attendance in many one on one conversations his insight on dealing…
Tonight @ 7p.m. CDT Henry Neufeld with guest and Christian apologist, Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. “You should always be ready to give your testimony — your witness to Jesus Christ.” “But what should I say? I don’t want to offend people!” Elgin Hushbeck has written books and shared his face hundreds of times. Tonight, he will…
Energion author David Alan Black reports he has signed this statement written by some leaders in the Asian Christian community. Here is Dave’s note from his blog: (Wednesday, May 20, 2020) 11:22 AM I’ve signed this statement, along with David Dockery, Don Carson, Jim Wallis, Shane Claiborne, Darrel Bock, Ed Stetzer, and 10,000 others. Let’s take a…
Divorce, Remarriage and Christians will be the topic of this week’s Google+ Hangout with author, H. Van Dyke Parunak and moderator, Henry Neufeld, starting at 7p.m. Central Time. Dr. Parunak is the author of Except for Fornication: The Teaching of the Lord Jesus on Divorce and Mariage and currently is the Vice President for Technology Innovation…
… begins today and runs through January 25. No matter what our other disagreements, surely we can at least pray for unity in the body of Christ. In commemoration of this week, not only will we be praying here at Energion Publications, we will also offer some of our books that we think are particularly…
There’s a discussion on the BaptistBoard about the use of “brothers” vs “brothers and sisters” to translate Greek adelphoi. In it, reference is made to Dr. Black’s use of “brothers and sisters” in the translations he made for The Jesus Paradigm, but note the use of “brothers” in the ISV. So far, there’s only a…