Preview for Death, Immortality and Resurrection
You can get a preview of Edward Vick’s new book, Death, Immortality, and Resurrection via Google Books. It’s embedded below:
You can get a preview of Edward Vick’s new book, Death, Immortality, and Resurrection via Google Books. It’s embedded below:
Both One World: The Lord’s Prayer from a Process Perspective and Process and Pastoral Care by Dr. Bruce Epperly are now available as ebooks, both on our store, and for Kindle. They will be available elsewhere within the next few days. You can read more about these books and preview them by following the…
A warm, clear Florida night was a perfect backdrop for Read, Write & Publish! at Northstar Church in Panama City, FL. The editors and published authors from Energion offered their experience and encouragement to potential authors who came to learn and offer their manuscripts. Lee Baker, Kimberly Gordon, Daniel Martin and Heath Taws read excerpts…
It is an exciting time here at Energion Publications! We have two new books which have been put on the Pre-Order Sale. (Our customers love a bargain!) I’m Right and You’re Wrong: Why We Disagree About the Bible and What to Do About It by Steve Kindle is the newest contribution to the Topical Lines Drive series. Why do…
While it’s difficult to let go of the old, the new beckons us. What is the old? It is what theologian Walter Wink called the Domination System — it’s the system of violence and oppression that enslaves the world.12 But in the death and resurrection of Jesus, that system — that world — has been…
To some the Holy Spirit is dead and should receive little attention. To others He is a list of spectacular powers by which we can validate our life in ministry. John Weston introduces the Holy Spirit to us as Teacher, Guide, Comforter, and Advocate in his new book, Life in the Spirit, which will be…