Holidays and the Empty Chair

ISBN#: 978-1-63199-335-0
Thanksgiving and Christmas may be the two most family-oriented holidays in the year. And that means when someone is missing from the table, the holiday just does not seem “normal.” Whether the absence is from a death, divorce, military deployment, an inability to financially pay for a trip, or other simply complicated reasons, a chair that is empty in mind and heart, is an empty chair.
Energion Publications’ editor and author, Jody Neufeld, is bringing her 12-years of experience as a hospice nurse and educator as well as personal experiences and lessons learned through divorce and the deaths of her parents and son to an one day event Coping with the Holidays and Grief.
On October 20, 2018, 9:00a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Jody will be sharing from her experiences and book, Grief: Coping with Holidays at Chumuckla Community Church, 8008 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, FL 32571. Each participant will be given a free book and light breakfast food will be available. Please RSVP to or Chumuckla Community Church (850-994-4444) by October 17.
“I hope … you will find practical ways to walk in your grief journey through the holidays. I make no claim that you will find a way to avoid questions, tears and your feelings. But I hope you will have tools to help you move along through the holidays and allow people to encourage you, and even politely put limitations on their expectations and needs, and think of your own needs first.” – Jody Neufeld