Spiritual Decluttering for Kindle
Bruce Epperly’s book Spiritual Decluttering is now available for Kindle.
Bruce Epperly’s book Spiritual Decluttering is now available for Kindle.
Sometimes readers wonder whether they can find our books in a library, in print or in digital form. I’m writing this because of the digital question, but the same process applies to print books. Yes, we do provide books to digital borrowing systems at libraries. There’s a fairly complex procedure, but our books are listed….
This book of photography, art, and verse from Wanda Thompson represents a new step for Energion Publications. Or perhaps it’s not so new. The pictures and verse provide meditations on scripture and a response. Pre-order pricing is 30% off, so $24.49, and will be in effect until February 24, 2018 or when the first book…
God’s Desire for the Nations: The Missionary Theology of John Piper by Philip O. Hopkins was released yesterday, December 20, 2010, and is now available on Amazon.com and B&N and will soon be available on other online retailers. To keep track of discussion and events related to this important new release, please check the book’s…