Reflections on Pope Francis
By Energion author Bob LaRochelle
Exploring the message of Pope Francis.
You can find out more about Bob’s book, Crossing the Street, on Energion Direct.
By Energion author Bob LaRochelle
Exploring the message of Pope Francis.
You can find out more about Bob’s book, Crossing the Street, on Energion Direct.
30% Off on selected books covering politics and Christian living! Plus Free shipping on orders over $10! If you have been concerned, upset or frustrated by recent events, take a positive, constructive step forward in your life. We have several authors who have written from many perspectives as theological professors and scholars, small businessmen, pastors and…
… whatever that is! I don’t actually know, but I’m watching closely and constantly trying to catch up. There are a few trends that are obvious, however. But first, a little history. Energion Publications was founded by buying out some existing publications. These consisted of two comb-bound books, one stapled booklet, and one book printed…
Early in the fall Energion Publications released a new book, Philosophy for Believers, designed to introduce Christian believers to the kinds of questions philosophers raise and the logic and ideas involved in answering those questions. This book provides an introduction to the philosophy of religion that can be used by a variety of groups in…
Most of you are probably not acquainted with this date, but those, like me, who grew up in one of the various Adventist groups that grew out of the Millerite movement (1830s and 1840s) remember it well. William Miller, and various other interpreters in that movement determined that Jesus would return in glory on October…