
Prayer Warriors

In scanning the internet, I found the general consensus for what this designation means is someone who is committed to praying for others. In scanning the Bible, I found quite a few such warriors: Deborah, Elizabeth, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Job, David, John, and Jesus! How many times do the Gospels mention that Jesus went out, away from the disciples, to pray? ‘Course if those were the fellow workers I was working with daily … hmmm.

My mom was the one who first taught me prayers. ‘The Our Father’ and ‘God bless …’ etc were something I said every night before I went to sleep. EXCEPT one night I fell asleep in the middle of prayers! I remember that morning so clearly, even now. I ran into the kitchen. Mom was at the sink cleaning carrots.  I was crying big sobs! My head barely higher than the cabinet, I told Mom the awful thing I had done! Taking my hands in hers, she said, “Jo, your guardian angels always finish your prayers for you.” I had been taught I had such an angel with me – I suspect since I was in the crib. Now whether you believe in such things, I can tell you that her words gave me such peace.

The night I knew Jesus, Messiah, was the One who saved me – I also knew that God really did hear me. I was His daughter and He heard me! My prayers became more personal. And should I fall asleep during my prayers, my Father knows my heart and hears my spoken and unspoken prayers!

He has taught me:

Pray every day.

I have 3 really good female friends. I have been friends with them for about 12 to 60 years! We live 125 to 625 miles apart. I believe the reason we have stayed friends is that we have made it important to stay in touch – hopefully – every week, or so.

Praying every day, connecting with my Father God of whom there is no other, I learn more about His heart and my own. Give it a try for two weeks. See and know the changes. It is a good habit and can grow into the food habits I want to cultivate.

Pray without ceasing.

Prayer, for me, has grown into true conversation with God. I walk through my day sharing the praises and concerns that come throughout my day. It has grown my relationship with God in that I find I do not hold on to burdens that aren’t mine to carry. And, at the same time, it gives God time to get through to me what He does want me to do to be His hands and feet in this world.

Pray with expectation.

Sometimes the subject of the prayers seems very big. My solution seems very big.

So, right now, today, I’m able to think from my point of knowledge about God. 1) God can do anything. There is nothing beyond His abilities. 2) God knows all circumstances and needs. So the question is: Do I pray knowing God will answer?

It will be in His timing, the perfect timing.

It will be His solution, taking in all pieces of the solution, which I do not know.

Pray. Not to direct God but to connect with Him. Not to convince God but for me to grow in faith and love for others.

Pray and act as God directs.

Sometimes when I pray for a specific thing, including myself, I hear a “direct order.”

“Keep praying, Jody.”

“Write ____ a card.” (Or give them a call.)

“Call ____ and ask her to pray.” Remember my good friends?


You may or may not “see” the answer. Prayers for myself are often answered, not with, say, money, but with a change in my heart. It’s reasonable that God may also answer a prayer for someone else in a similar way, in which I won’t necessarily see everything. So pray without ceasing!

15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil.

23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.        

–  2 Thessalonians 5:15-24 (NIV)

Featured image by Barbara Jackson from Pixabay

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