
First Week in Advent – Day 2 – More Hope!

Time with the Lord, every day, is vital to me. Prayer, reading His words, worshiping Him in song or just quiet before Him. It is the living water and fresh bread that keeps me well and strong. That keeps ‘hope’ a strong and sure anchor. Jody Neufeld, Daily Devotions of Ordinary People – Extraordinary God,…

The Prophet Amos Speaks to America on Sale through October 21
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The Prophet Amos Speaks to America on Sale through October 21

The Prophet Amos Speaks to America by Dr. Bruce Epperly will be officially released on October 21, 2022. Until then, it will be on sale for 30% off the $16.99 suggested retail price, or $11.89. This offer is only available when purchasing direct from Energion Publications.

Book Personalization for Christmas

Book Personalization for Christmas

We offer book personalization year round, but we’re putting a special emphasis on this for Advent and Christmas because it offers a special opportunity for you to send a message both with a substantive gift—a book—and with a personal message included. You can use this option either for individual gifts or for a way to…