Our First (Sale!) Books of the Season
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Our First (Sale!) Books of the Season

We’re putting a number of books on sale this Christmas, and I want to feature as many as possible in blog posts. Three of our authors have produced fiction titles this year, and two of those books are on sale (the other one, Grace Across the River, has just been released). The books can be…


Reason and Religion

If your spiritual life needs nourishment, so does your intellectual life. The plain truth of the matter is that God created us as rational beings. Anti-intellectualism is therefore a serious threat to balanced Christianity. “It is fundamental with us,” wrote John Wesley, “that to renounce reason is to renounce religion, that religion and reason go…

Dave Black’s Greek Video Course Now Free on YouTube

Dave Black’s Greek Video Course Now Free on YouTube

This is more than a month old, but somehow I missed it, so let’s make sure as many people as possible are aware. David Alan Black’s set of videos, recorded when he taught beginning Greek in Ethiopia, are now available free on YouTube. (Go direct to YouTube.) This course is based on Dave’s beginning grammar….