Charisma Book Expo Impressions: The First One – The Beginning
The Georgia International Convention Center with its contemporary architecture and interior design greeted me as I stepped out of my van with the roar of airplanes taking off and landing at the nearby Hartsfield Airport. Another few days in the big, impersonal city for this small town girl, I thought. And yet once again, I was wrong.
Too often we Christians allow ourselves to believe what we see with our human eyes and ears to tell us “truth”. We can believe the media (even Christian TV and press) as we are spoon-fed their interpretation of what is going on in the world or we can go out and experience it for ourselves.
For four days I met publishers, writers, book store owners, and the general public at this event. I met some gentle women who are producing a publication that began as a way to provide home school information. They allowed God to expand the vision to its present 5,000 distribution that provides hope and encouragement and a network for many who are looking for “truth” from God without requiring a slick or entertaining package. I met humble ministry school administrators and teachers who want to be nothing more than an instrument of God to equip Church leadership to fulfill their call. I met three (seemingly very young!) leaders of a local Woman Aglow chapter. They were expectant and excited about what God was going to show them as they came in answer to His call to meet with Him in this place.
Over the next few days I will continue to share with you some of my IMPRESSIONS of this event: the First Charisma Book Expo.