Impressions II: One Night with the King
Charisma Book Expo 2006, Atlanta, GA
One Night With The King Opening in Theatres October 13th
I haven’t “highly recommended” a movie in a very long time. I haven’t even seen this movie and yet I am excited and expectant about this movie. It is about Esther. Could it be that this movie was made “for a time such as this”? (Esther 4:14)
I was blessed to hear Tommy Tenny (author of the original novel from which the movie is based) during the Expo. A few years ago, God spoke to him: “I want you to be out sharing my love.” Now, Rev. Tenny is the author of what – over 30 books? He is out preaching in churches every week: revivals, conferences. The man is busy!!! After reminding God of what he was doing
(like God didn’t know!), God’s reply was: “I want you to speak to those who DON’T KNOW ME!” Rev. Tenny knew that he was to turn his attention to ‘heathens’ and ‘pagans’ and less time inside the Church with Christians who already know Jesus. He went to the Scriptures to show him how to do this.
He found that Jesus spoke in two ways. To the disciples he spoke strongly, I could even say that He used a hammer! “.eat my flesh . drink my blood (John 6) . But to the masses, those who didn’t know Him, Jesus spoke in parables or stories. And so Tommy Tenny wrote this book about Esther and it has become a motion picture. What a great opportunity to bring the extravagant love of the Father to millions!
This has made me think about how we in the Church seemed to be a bit confused. We want to hear the sweet, funny stories in church on Sunday morning and tolerate only an occasional hammer to the head! We point our fingers in accusation at the ‘heathens’ and wink our excuses at the ‘slips’ of the Believers (like myself!!!) who certainly know better!