Riley Richardson Book Signing
Riley Richardson, co-author of the most recent Energion Publications release, Disciples: Jesus With Us, will sign books from 1 PM – 3PM at the Cokesbury display at the Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference (UMC).
Riley Richardson, co-author of the most recent Energion Publications release, Disciples: Jesus With Us, will sign books from 1 PM – 3PM at the Cokesbury display at the Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference (UMC).
Energion Publications is honored to be a part of the Reimagine Worldwide ministry, which brings food, clothing, health screening, prayer and job opportunities to various communities in the Florida Panhandle and in Lima, Peru. Tomorrow, publisher Henry Neufeld, will again bring donated books to feed God’s children with His Word. Besides free New Testaments (NLT translation), Henry…
The Association of Adventist Forums will sponsor a zoom discussion of apocalyptic on Friday, December 10, at 10 am Pacific time including Energion author Herold Weiss, author of the book The End of the Scroll: Biblical Apocalyptic Trajectories, which is priced normally at $24.99, but is currently on sale at Energion Direct at $19.99. You…
Saturday is sometimes called Silent Saturday, a day of waiting, of shattered hopes, of finding a way to cope. Just like the disciples, we often experience our silent Saturdays. Endure for the True Power of Hope The key to every hope-er’s overcoming victory is stated clearly in Hebrews 6:12, “[Be] imitators of those who through…
From The Spirit’s Fruit: A Participatory Study Guide (forthcoming): There are a variety of gifts of the Spirit, but only one fruit. The fruit may be variously described and experienced, yet it remains a singular fruit. … [W]e need to keep in mind that the fruit is one, the fruitful life is one, as we…