Remembering and Living
Jody Neufeld has provided a short extract from her book Grief: Finding the Candle of Light titled Remembering and Living.
Jody Neufeld has provided a short extract from her book Grief: Finding the Candle of Light titled Remembering and Living.
Lee Harmon has a brief review of Bob Cornwall‘s book Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer. He concludes: If we choose to participate in God’s reign, we’re committing ourselves to do God’s will on earth as in heaven, and therefore engaging in the mission of God. Read his entire review. We would…
April 6 – 12, 2014 Elgin L. Hushbeck Jr.: Energion author, engineer, small business owner, educator, lecturer, and family man is the sponsor for the 21st annual Consider Christianity Week (CC Week) Energion Publications has published five of Mr Hushbeck’s books and joins with him this year to produce five Google Hangout events during Consider…
Author Robert Cornwall offers a good insight into the puzzling concept of The Trinity on his blog, Ponderings on a Faith Journey. Today’s “pondering” is “Reinvisioning Trinitarian Language” and gives the reader some words to chew in mind and spirit. The problem is that when we look at God as Trinity through the eyes of reason…
Energion author Chris Surber offers some sermon suggestions at He says: As I have always served churches in transition where the fallout of recent battles are all around, I have had to dress more than a few wounds, challenge more than a few Christians to aim their rifles in the direction of the enemy,…
Lee Harmon has a brief review of Bob Cornwall‘s book Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer. He concludes: If we choose to participate in God’s reign, we’re committing ourselves to do God’s will on earth as in heaven, and therefore engaging in the mission of God. Read his entire review. We would…
April 6 – 12, 2014 Elgin L. Hushbeck Jr.: Energion author, engineer, small business owner, educator, lecturer, and family man is the sponsor for the 21st annual Consider Christianity Week (CC Week) Energion Publications has published five of Mr Hushbeck’s books and joins with him this year to produce five Google Hangout events during Consider…
Author Robert Cornwall offers a good insight into the puzzling concept of The Trinity on his blog, Ponderings on a Faith Journey. Today’s “pondering” is “Reinvisioning Trinitarian Language” and gives the reader some words to chew in mind and spirit. The problem is that when we look at God as Trinity through the eyes of reason…
Energion author Chris Surber offers some sermon suggestions at He says: As I have always served churches in transition where the fallout of recent battles are all around, I have had to dress more than a few wounds, challenge more than a few Christians to aim their rifles in the direction of the enemy,…
Lee Harmon has a brief review of Bob Cornwall‘s book Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer. He concludes: If we choose to participate in God’s reign, we’re committing ourselves to do God’s will on earth as in heaven, and therefore engaging in the mission of God. Read his entire review. We would…