David Alan Black is Coming to Pensacola

Book: The Jesus Paradigm
When: August 7-9, 2009
Where: Pensacola, Florida and nearby areas
What: Preaching, educational seminar, and book signing
During his time here in Pensacola, Dr. Black will record some video and audio material for use in education and in book publicity. The following is his schedule of public events:
- Saturday, 10:00 AM – Noon
Seminar: The Downward Path of Jesus: From Cultural Conformity to Radical Discipleship, tentatively scheduled for Wesley Abbey, First United Methodist Church, Pensacola. The specific location may be changed based on attendance. (Please see below.) - Saturday, Noon and after, book signing at same location
- Sunday, 8:30 AM – Myrtle Grove United Methodist Church, preaching.
- Sunday, 9:45 AM – Question and Answer Session, Myrtle Grove UMC joint Sunday School
- Sunday, 11:00 AM – ICON service, First United Methodist Church, preaching.
- Sunday, 6:00 PM – Chumuckla United Methodist Church, preaching/teaching
I would appreciate if those who are planning to attend the Saturday seminar will let me know. We will be adding this event to our Energion Publications Facebook Group, or you can respond by e-mail to pubs@energion.com. In addition, we are looking at the possibility of live streaming the Saturday seminar. If you are interested in viewing and/or participating via live streaming, please e-mail me, and also publicize this link. There is some expense involved in setting up the live streaming, and I don’t want to do it unless there is considerable interest. If you blog, consider letting people know that this event may be live streamed.
All events will be completely free of charge, as will be the live streaming of the event should it prove possible to do so.