Review of The Jesus Paradigm
Matt received his advance copy of The Jesus Paradigm, and reviews it on his blog at Broadcast Depth.
Matt received his advance copy of The Jesus Paradigm, and reviews it on his blog at Broadcast Depth.
Today (March 21) is World Poetry Day, and in commemoration, we offer a selection from the book Noise Flash by Lee Baker: chapel by the river laughter corneredfelonies overturnedtim’s homeand everyone is readyhope has cometo unite uspeople whowalk roads of different coloursbut embracethe night togetherit’s black but not deadgold but not royalall are equaleveryone payswe…
Rev. Dave Ketter reviews this new book by Daniel McGregor. You can buy print copies of Holy Dark Places from Energion Direct. Key quote: On the whole, this is a solid introduction to the exploration of spiritual suffering. McGregor’s biblical rootedness and overview of historic Christian tradition, even up to the modern era will equip…
We’re reviving the book of the week. Each week we will feature a book, and put it on sale. What’s our ulterior motive? To get you to look at Energion Direct and buy. The book of the week will be put on sale sometime Tuesday evening, but definitely by midnight and will remain on sale…
Today (March 21) is World Poetry Day, and in commemoration, we offer a selection from the book Noise Flash by Lee Baker: chapel by the river laughter corneredfelonies overturnedtim’s homeand everyone is readyhope has cometo unite uspeople whowalk roads of different coloursbut embracethe night togetherit’s black but not deadgold but not royalall are equaleveryone payswe…
Rev. Dave Ketter reviews this new book by Daniel McGregor. You can buy print copies of Holy Dark Places from Energion Direct. Key quote: On the whole, this is a solid introduction to the exploration of spiritual suffering. McGregor’s biblical rootedness and overview of historic Christian tradition, even up to the modern era will equip…
We’re reviving the book of the week. Each week we will feature a book, and put it on sale. What’s our ulterior motive? To get you to look at Energion Direct and buy. The book of the week will be put on sale sometime Tuesday evening, but definitely by midnight and will remain on sale…
Today (March 21) is World Poetry Day, and in commemoration, we offer a selection from the book Noise Flash by Lee Baker: chapel by the river laughter corneredfelonies overturnedtim’s homeand everyone is readyhope has cometo unite uspeople whowalk roads of different coloursbut embracethe night togetherit’s black but not deadgold but not royalall are equaleveryone payswe…