The Jesus Paradigm – Adobe Digital Editions
The Jesus Paradigm is now available in Adobe Digital Editions format from the following retailers:
The Jesus Paradigm is now available in Adobe Digital Editions format from the following retailers:
For our United Methodist customers, the following books are now listed on Cokesbury, generally with a 20% discount. You can now order them with your church accounts. The Jesus Paradigm by Dr. David Alan Black, professor of Greek and New Testament at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Gospel According to St. Luke: A Participatory Study…
Advance copies of The Jesus Paradigm will be going out to bloggers and other reviewers who have requested them late next week. This represents a delay of slightly over a week from our original plan. If you have requested a review copy, you will receive one. Nobody has been turned down. If you haven’t heard…
With a score of 108 out of 150, Lionel Woods.
Continuing to link to reviews of The Jesus Paradigm—Alan Knox on his blog The Assembling of the Church. As editor and publisher I would like to thank Alan and all reviewers thus far who have been clear that they received a free copy (I believe this is the ethical thing to do), and also with…