Bob Makar Reception and Book Signing
Remember the reception and book signing hosted by Bob Makar’s home church this Sunday afternoon, September 20, 2009, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. More information here.
Energion Publications will again be displaying our books at the Gonzalez United Methodist Church Winter Festival 2006. This will be a two day opportunity to look at our publications, discuss our future plans, and for authors to meet with us in person. Watch here for further information on special activities related to this event.
Author David Croteau, Tithing After the Cross. shares his view recently on Today’s Christian Woman, How Much Should I Tithe? Dr Croteau is joined with Ruth Soukup and Dave Ramsey. And on January 17 @ 8a.m., Dr Croteau will be on the Moody Radio’s Up for Debate program, Are Christians Obligated to Tithe?, with Dr Ken Hemphill and Julie Roys. Just…
This week is Consider Christianity Week! Conceived by Elgin Hushbeck, apologist and author (Evidence for the Bible, Christianity and Secularism, Preserving Democracy, What is Wrong with Social Justice?) it is the week prior to Palm Sunday when we rejoice in who and what we are as Christians. Join us every night, March 23 – 28, @ 7 pm CDT. Bring your…
Tune in this Tuesday, February 17th, at 7 p.m. Central Time, to Energion’s Weekly Google+ Hangout when Henry and Jody Neufeld will be joined by Dr Harvey and Marilyn Brown to discuss “Marriage and Ministry.” How do couples find the healthy and Godly balance between the needs of the family and the demands of ministry? Tune…
Energion Publications will host a blogging/essay contest. Entries are open immediately and will close November 2, 2009 when Dr. David Alan Black‘s new book Christian Archy is released. Judging will take place during the first week of November, and winners will be announced by November 16. To enter, simply write an essay in answer to…