Energion Sites Reappear
After nearly two days of downtime on a number of our sites, all should be back to normal. If you have any difficulties accessing any of our websites, don’t hesitate to e-mail us.
During the accidental suspension of our Twitter account, I removed links so that people would not be mislead by links to a page that wasn’t working. Those links are now restored. In addition, here are a few more social media links that may be useful: Energion Publications Friend Feed – this feed aggregates a number…
If you look at the posts up to now on this blog, you’ll see almost all material related to Energion Publications books, their content, and their use, along with a bit about the company in general. The focus has been on the print publications, and obviously in selling them to you. But as our mission…
This year (2012) we released 20 books under our main Energion Publications imprint and three additional books under our EnerPower Press imprint. That puts us at more that 70 books in our current catalog. We intentionally publish books written from a wide range of viewpoints and for audiences ranging from pastors and scholars to students…
Energion Publications has a new phone number. It is 850-525-3916. Please change any contact information you have. Our fax number is also now obsolete. We have received nothing but junk faxes for over a year. If you need to fax us for some reason, please call voice and we will make arrangements. As always, we…