The Jesus Paradigm
… provides a quote of the day at New Leaven.
… provides a quote of the day at New Leaven.
We offer book personalization year round, but we’re putting a special emphasis on this for Advent and Christmas because it offers a special opportunity for you to send a message both with a substantive gift—a book—and with a personal message included. You can use this option either for individual gifts or for a way to…
Energion Publications is pleased to announce new author Paul A. Himes with his exciting book Where is Your Allegiance? Lay persons in the church might be forgiven for imagining that the book of Revelation cannot be understood. There are many different interpretive schemes proposed, and hundreds of variations within those schemes. But the reader who…
Energion Publications currently offers just two Spanish books: La Historia de Mi Vida by Becky Lynn Black (translated by Fiorella Polo) and Aprenda a leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento by David Alan Black, translated by Thomas Hudgins & team. We do have plans for more. But this weekend Aprenda a leer el Griego del…
One of the ministries we support here at Energion Publications is World Prayr. Yes, I spelled that last word correctly for the name of the organization. World Prayr is “an organization founded on the belief that the second greatest commandment Christ gave us was to “love your brother as yourself”, and thereby show we are…
Tonight’s Google+ Hangout promises to be a veeeeeery interesting one! Dr. Allan R. Bevere, a United Methodist pastor and Professional Fellow in Theology at Ashland Theological Seminary in Akron, OH, and Dr. Alden Thompson, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Walla Walla University in College Place, WA, will come together to discuss “What About Violence in the…