Renee Crosby on Her Forthcoming Book
The book is Soup Kitchen for the Soul, forthcoming from Energion Publications. This is the author’s video explaining what led her to write the book.
The book is Soup Kitchen for the Soul, forthcoming from Energion Publications. This is the author’s video explaining what led her to write the book.
I believe those of us or teach, preach, or speak have a duty to make our lives representative of the gospel. By that I don’t mean that we become salvation by works perfectionists; our work is surrender, letting Jesus live through us. It’s often difficult to portray that in words. If one is forceful, one…
The Kamden Faith Journey Series has five books now! The Birth has been released in time for Christmas so that Kamden can share with the reader his learning time with Nana about Jesus’ birth. It also reinforces the truth of God’s great love for His children. It is a characteristic of this series not to…
Pastor Bob LaRochelle, author of Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church (Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, 2010) and of the forthcoming book Crossing the Street (Energion Publications, May 2012), was interviewed yesterday on WSDK 1550 radio. You can listen to the complete interview via this link. The first half is about his current book, which will be of special…
As usual, our authors are doing some serious posting on Good Friday. Here are some samples that I noticed: David Alan Black: Calling forth an Ardent Yearning Robert D. Cornwall: It Is Finished: A Word for Good Friday Drew Smith: A Good Friday Reflection: Jesus’ Cry from the Cross: Abandonment and Hope
We had a wonderful morning today with Dr. David Alan Black who presented a mission report at First UMC, Pensacola and then preached at the ICON service. Dr. Black’s message was great. My takeaway? Find out what God wants you to do, and then do it, even if your family and friends think you’re crazy….