Preserving Democracy Reviewed
… by Arthur Sido.
… by Arthur Sido.
Due to several factors, Why Four Gospels? will not be available for purchase online today. We have updated our various outlets to reflect release October 20, 2010. We expect to begin making some shipments Monday, October 18, but it will probably not be until Wednesday, October 20, that the book becomes available for shipment from…
June 7, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida Paperback Edition of Preserving Democracy to be Released SUMMARY: The 2nd expanded paperback edition of Preserving Democracy by Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. will be released July 4, 2010 with advance copies available starting June 8, 2010. RELEASE: Energion Publications announces the impending release of the 2nd, paperback edition…
Energion author Bob LaRochelle is offering a class this coming Sunday on the relationship between Roman Catholics and Protestants. The location is Second Congregational Church, Manchester, CT. Follow the link for more information. LaRochelle is the author of Energion title Crossing the Street.
Dave Black has posted a link to an article he wrote for the journal Filología Neotestamentaria regarding grammar and supposed indications of Markan Priority, published in May of 1988. I point out the date to underline the way in which careful argument from linguistic data can survive the test of time. Dave points out a…
Through an arrangement with the author we are able to offer autographed copies of Preserving Democracy to be shipped when the book is released on April 15, 2009. Note the following: Copies will be sent to the author for autograph on the release date No copies will be shipped before April 15, 2009 Please allow…