New Areopagus Series Web Site
We have added a new web site to our family–the Areopagus Series site at This site will be for announcements, commentary, and reviews of the various volumes of the Areopagus series.
We have added a new web site to our family–the Areopagus Series site at This site will be for announcements, commentary, and reviews of the various volumes of the Areopagus series.
… or Happy Holidays of whatever variety you celebrate. Energion Publications owner Henry Neufeld offers a Christmas message in a podcast. A transcript is available at the same place.
This year (2012) we released 20 books under our main Energion Publications imprint and three additional books under our EnerPower Press imprint. That puts us at more that 70 books in our current catalog. We intentionally publish books written from a wide range of viewpoints and for audiences ranging from pastors and scholars to students…
Ted M. Gossard writes the review at Jesus Community. His conclusion: I believe the thrust and heart of this book are needed and crucial for the faith, life and witness of the church today. It is short, concise and affordable, one of those books one may want to work on, and good for reference. So…
… and he’s already thinking about a new essay: I’m currently writing an essay on missions and finances, particularly the issue of the funding of church planting. I’ve been scouring the Pauline epistles to see what the greatest church planter who ever lived had to say. (Thus far my essay is tentatively titled “The Thessalonian…
Those who watch the embedded YouTube video for Energion This Week may find that they don’t get the links that are mentioned. There are two ways to get them: 1) Go to the Google+ page linked below the video or 2) Go to YouTube and watch your video there. Until now, that is … I’m…
We wish each of our authors and all our customers a happy and blessed 2015! This past year was our 10th year in business as Energion Publications. It is hard to name the precise month. The decision was made during the summer and finalized in September of 2004. We released our first new book in…