Advent vs Christmas Tweeterview Link
We had some trouble with Tweeterview, but I created a transcript using and the “view conversation” feature. The transcript is available at
We had some trouble with Tweeterview, but I created a transcript using and the “view conversation” feature. The transcript is available at
Author David Croteau, Tithing After the Cross. shares his view recently on Today’s Christian Woman, How Much Should I Tithe? Dr Croteau is joined with Ruth Soukup and Dave Ramsey. And on January 17 @ 8a.m., Dr Croteau will be on the Moody Radio’s Up for Debate program, Are Christians Obligated to Tithe?, with Dr Ken Hemphill and Julie Roys. Just…
For our second weekly Tweeterview, Energion (@energion) owner Henry Neufeld will interview Rev. Geoffrey Lentz (@PreacherG), author of The Gospel According to St. Luke: A Participatory Study Guide and co-author of Learning and Living Scripture on the topic: Advent vs. Christmas. The Tweeterview will start a 4:00 PM Saturday, December 11, 2010 and will last…
Allan Bevere was interviewed recently for the WesleyCast and you can listen to the interview here. Allan’s interview starts at about 17:00, but as he points out, the discussion before that is also interesting. We appreciate Allan mentioning Energion Publications. But more importantly, his discussion of current issues in the United Methodist Church and how…
Dave Black was interviewed on Hoi Polloi, a podcast hosted by Abidan Paul Shaw, and you can find the audio here. There is a great deal of discussion of Energion’s recent release of Dave’s book It’s All Greek to Me. If you want to know why Dave wrote that book or get some highlights, check…
Coming to the next Google+ Hangout: Tuesday, November 4, @ 7 p.m. CDT, authors Ron Higdon and Jody Neufeld will discuss some practical ways to move with grief during the holidays. Ron Higdon, pastor for over 50 years, is the author of Surviving A Son’s Suicide. Dr Higdon’s workshops encourage practical, honest ways of taking steps…