Ephesians: A Participatory Study Guide
Ephesians: A Participatory Study Guide is now in stock both at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble, as well as Energion Direct. You can find links on the book’s catalog page.
Ephesians: A Participatory Study Guide is now in stock both at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble, as well as Energion Direct. You can find links on the book’s catalog page.
… begins today and runs through January 25. No matter what our other disagreements, surely we can at least pray for unity in the body of Christ. In commemoration of this week, not only will we be praying here at Energion Publications, we will also offer some of our books that we think are particularly…
From Christianity and Secularism by Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. Based on their own writings and actions, those who wrote and passed the first amendment did not see it as completely separating church and state, but rather, they saw it as prohibiting the establishment of a national religion. Not only was this the view of the founding…
Rev. Dave Ketter reviews this new book by Daniel McGregor. You can buy print copies of Holy Dark Places from Energion Direct. Key quote: On the whole, this is a solid introduction to the exploration of spiritual suffering. McGregor’s biblical rootedness and overview of historic Christian tradition, even up to the modern era will equip…
Energion Publications currently offers just two Spanish books: La Historia de Mi Vida by Becky Lynn Black (translated by Fiorella Polo) and Aprenda a leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento by David Alan Black, translated by Thomas Hudgins & team. We do have plans for more. But this weekend Aprenda a leer el Griego del…