Bruce Epperly Introduces Angels, Mysteries, and Miracles
For more information, see this book’s catalog page on Energion Direct. It is currently on pre-order sale for $6.99 through August 16, 2017.
For more information, see this book’s catalog page on Energion Direct. It is currently on pre-order sale for $6.99 through August 16, 2017.
We’d like to direct you to a competitor’s web site (if it’s proper to call a company [Zondervan Academic] so much larger than we are merely a “competitor”) because they have an excellent question for discussion. They ask: “Is it ever appropriate to ban books from our children?” For the background of the question, please…
Author Joel Watts offers an insightful review of Dr Robert Cornwall’s book, Worshiping with Charles Darwin on his blogsite, Unsettled Christianity. This is a pastoral account, almost like an autobiography, of bringing forth God’s message out of the two books, Scripture and Nature. As one who has read Cornwall considerably, I am neither surprised nor let down at…
During Lent we’re offering a series of topics during our Tuesday night hangouts that are designed to help us think more about the season (including Easter, which is where it leads). We began with Lent: Season of Sorrow, in which I talked with author William Powell Tuck, who has written quite a bit about the…
Energion Publications‘ author, Renee Crosby, spoke to 200+ women at the 2010 Women of Valor conference in Crestview, FL. Ladies from 14 to ??? came from all over NW Florida to worship, be encouraged, and rejoice for the many ways God has gifted them to serve in His Kingdom. Mrs. Crosby graciously autographed copies of…